Terms and Conditions
The information contained in www.naturessunshine.com.au should not be interpreted as medical advice and should only be used as a general guideline. Always seek the advice of a professional Healthcare Practitioner should symptoms persist or where serious ailments are involved.
Nature’s Sunshine Australia Privacy Policy:
To address customer queries/complaints, Nature’s Sunshine Australia seeks your consent to request and document personal/health information for the purposes of complying with our obligations to the Therapeutic Goods Act.
If you do not wish to provide your health/personal information we may not be able to effectively assist you with any query, complaint you may have about our product, or advise you on any suspected adverse reaction you may have had to any of our products.
We do not share this personal information with any other agency, however we may be obligated to pass on certain information to the government body (Therapeutic Goods Administration) under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.