Cat's Claw - Herbal Spotlight

Cat’s claw known scientifically as Uncaria tomentos , or as the Spanish call it "uña de gato," derives its name from the shape of curved thorns that protrude from the vine of plants, which resemble a cat’s claws. Native to the Amazon rainforest and other places in South and Central America. The bark and root have been used by South Americans for centuries. 

Cat's claw has been used in Peru and Europe since the early 1990s as an adjunctive treatment for the immune system. In herbal medicine today, cat's claw is employed around the world for many different conditions, including immune disorders, gastritis, ulcers, rheumatism, rheumatic disorders, neuralgias, chronic inflammation of all kinds, and such viral diseases. Today, Cat’s claw is most commonly taken to boost immune function and as a general preventative tonic to stay healthy. 

Herbal actions of Cats claw  

Cats claw is believed to have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant, immunostimulatory and antirheumatic actions. 

Promising Benefits of Cat's Claw 

Current research suggests that cat's claw has chemicals that can stimulate the immune system, kill disease cells, kill viral infections and fight viruses. 

How to take Cats Claw 

There are many ways you can take Cats claw. It is best to take the whole herb because it contains a lot of chemicals that work together. Some people use invasive extraction which might not have all those chemicals. For this reason, you should take Cats claw as a powder or as a tea.

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