Brett Murray - Youth Speaker

Brett Murray

With over 24 years of experience working with young people including ten years of school presentations, Brett Murray has become the world’s foremost expert on the subject of bullying whether in the school classroom and the corporate boardroom.

A victim of chronic bullying himself as a child, Brett Murray understands the negative effect it can have on an individual. “I have a lot of empathy with victims and I have a passion to see kids reach their potential and realise they have amazing worth and value – that’s for both victims and perpetrators.”

As a sponsor of the Mitchell Youth Leadership Forum, a three-day live-in leadership training held for year 11 students in the Mitchell electorate, Nature’s Sunshine has had a long association with Brett Murray who is a regular presenter at the forum. So when Brett Murray shared with us his vision to raise awareness for bullying by competing in a triathlon we were more than pleased to assist him with his gruelling training. Brett Murray credits Nature’s Sunshine products as helping him prepare for the Ironman event, “I really noticed the difference, no swelling or inflammation, heaps of energy and feeling great.”

Brett Murray recently competed in the Cairns Ironman Triathlon, which consists of a 180km bike ride, a 3.8km swim and a 42.2km run. “I’m focused, fitter and stronger than ever.” he said.

Brett Murray likens the challenge to eradicate bullying to the challenge of competing as an ironman. "It's the most gruelling, one-day, physical event for the human body and it takes a long-term disciplined effort to prepare and compete for it just like the long-term, disciplined effort it will take to eradicate bullying," he said.

The Ironman event has enabled Brett to add another story to his Anti- Bullying presentations which consist of, in his words“stories of overcoming adversity, taking responsibility for your own mistakes and dealing with situations that are out of your control”.

Brett Murray credits resilience and tenacity with getting his mobility and fitness back. “When it comes to adversity, overcoming bullying, overcoming teasing, rejection or any adversity in life you need resilience and tenacity.”

Brett Murray will be a guest presenter at the “Let’s Talk about Bullying” summit at the Kennedy centre in Washington DC. Sharing the stage with a special panel of contributors including former US President Bill Clinton, Governor of New Jersey Governor Christie, The Principal of Columbine High school, the music artist Fifty Cent, talk show host Chelsie Krost and a few other respected individuals.

Keeping bullying in the conversation is the key to eradicate it. "The more we talk about it as a community, the less front page news this will become." he said.

For more information about Brett Murray and his work, please go to and follow him on twitter and Facebook.

Nature’s Sunshine Products of Australia is proud to be a sponsor and supporter of such an important cause.

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